Wearn Hong


Resurrection of Forgotten Memories

About C House
"A picture is worth a thousand words." Frederick R. Barnard.

A complex idea can be conveyed with just a still image and ultimately it is the meaning behind it which matters. This scheme seeks to instill the thought that photography is capable of reviving buried memories and that these memories should be embraced.


Situated along Candleriggs in Merchant City, Glasgow City Hall and Old Fruit Market were in use as a market since its inception in 1882 until the 1970s when it were put to use as another concert venue. Through generations, Merchant City as a market to sell, buy, and trade precious is gradually being erased. This lost memory of Merchant City is resurrected to celebrate Scotland's rich photography heritage. By revitalizing the forgotten courtyard, the project offers an alternative route for people to maneuver around the city. This move further proposes another way of experiencing the street facade. Put simply, it signifies the ever-changing point of view in photography, viewing the same element from different perspective.


In the photography world, the traditional practice of developing film strip is diminishing with the advent of digital photography. To memorialize this past event, the process of developing film is reinterpreted into a sequence of spatial experiences. Moreover, the 'Glasgow's signature space', vertical sunken valley, is reinvented into a series of vertical volumes. These vertical spaces frame specific view and establish visual communication to the surroundings.

Projects Spice Factory
  Photography Institute